Find Life is Strange 2: Episode 5 review, story, gameplay, release date, trailers, & walkthroughs.

We have added everything we know about Life is Strange 2: Episode 5 including its review, story, gameplay, release date, trailers, & walkthroughs.

Life is Strange 2: Episode 5 Review:

Life is Strange 2 is an episodic graphic adventure game. Life is Strange 2 is the second main title in the series. This game is divided into 5 episodes. 4 episodes are already released & the fifth episode is set to be released on 3 December 2019.

Life is Strange 2: Decorating Backpack

There are secrets including collectibles & sketches. Collectibles are located as items in various sites which can be picked up. Sometimes you need to perform specific action for collecting items. One such example is throwing a stick for a dog & if you manage to hit the correct area, the dog will bring back the stick with a secret item. You can find the correct location of every collectible in each episode description. The items collected can be used for decorating your bag.

Life is Strange 2: Collectibles Photos
Life is Strange 2: Collectibles
(Image Credit: Square Enix)

By using game inventory, there is a section with photos, which can help you in locating the hidden items. In your bag, you can locate each of the items you have collected.

Sean can make choices which affects game story
Sean can make choices which affects game story
(Image Credit: Square Enix)

Life is Strange 2 is playable from third person perspective. It will put you in the shoes of Sean Diaz who is running away from cops with his little brother Daniel. He is able to interact with the surroundings, acquire items, & talk to NPCs using dialogue trees. Choices that you make in Life is Strange 2 prologue “The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit” will be carried over into this game. Captain Spirit played a role in the second episode of Life is Strange 2. Sean has to make tough choices in this game which have consequences.

Life is Strange 2 Story:

Life is Strange 2: Sean calms down Daniel
Life is Strange 2: Sean calms down Daniel
(Image Credit: Square Enix)

Decisions you make in Life is Strange 2 will lead you to different branches in the game story & it will have an effect on Daniel’s behavior. Daniel has supernatural powers but he finds it difficult to control them. Sean tries to calm down his younger brother & take him out of dangerous situations which can lead to disaster.

In the first episode cop accidentally shot down Sean & Daniel’s father, & he dies as a sudden burst destroys the streets. Sean sees his dead father but Daniel does not know about it. Both brothers manage to escape as more cops arrive. They leave Washington on their journey to Puerto Lobos in Mexico, which is their dad’s hometown.

Life is Strange 2: Motel incident
Episode 2: Sean saves Daniel after explosion in motel
(Image Credit: Square Enix)

Daniel learns about their father’s death on the news & he loses control which leads to a disaster in a motel. Sean calms down Daniel & they manage to flee before anybody knows about it. Now it is the responsibility of big brother to teach little brother how to control his powers. Daniel slows down journey by falling sick & Sean takes his younger brother to their grandparents’ home where he waits for Daniel's recovery.

Episode 2: Sean meets Chris who has same powers
Episode 2: Sean meets Chris who has same powers
(Image Credit: Square Enix)

Daniel meets Chris who has the same powers. Chris lets Daniel & Sean know about his powers. Chris has played the leading role in the Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit which is also known as Life is Strange 2 prologue.

Life is Strange 2: Episode 2 will ask you if you have played a free to play game The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, because the choices you made in that game will affect both brother’s story. 

Episode 2: Sean wants Daniel to follow rules
Episode 2: Sean wants Daniel to follow rules
(Image Credit: Square Enix)

Daniel finds out that he has the ability of telekinesis & he is able to move objects using mind power. Both brothers hide this secret from the world & Sean wants Daniel to follow the rules. This is the reason the second episode is named rules. Sean sets rules for Daniel to never use his powers in public, never let anybody know about it & always escape from danger.

In the third episode both brothers arrive at California. They meet more friends on their journey. The brothers are now exposed to new dangers, because their new friends put them in challenges as well, & this breaks the unity between Sean & Daniel. Will they stay together or will they take their separate routes. 

Both brothers reunite with their new friends Finn & Cassidy. They begin working at a farm in Humboldt County for a cultivator named Merrill. Sean spends his time with his new friends & he ignores Daniel whose powers are growing.

Episode 4: Merrill fires Sean & Daniel
Episode 4: Merrill fires Sean & Daniel
(Image Credit: Square Enix)

The team is about to be paid. Daniel is caught up when he sneaks into Merrill’s office which makes Merrill very angry, & he refuses to pay others & fires both brothers. The group witnesses Daniel’s powers when he tries to save himself from Merrill’s henchman. The group promises that they will not let anyone know about it. They decide to steal from Merrill. They enter Merrill’s home, but Daniel & Finn accidentally alert Merrill. Daniel loses control over his powers & destroys Merrill’s home. Next morning Daniel vanishes with Merrill’s wealth, & others are left behind. Sean is unconscious & has lost his one eye as a shard of glass hits him in his left eye.

How far Sean will go to find Daniel? Episode 5 is based on that simple question. Sean himself is in a very bad condition because he has lost one eye in previous episode & wakes up in this episode in a hospital & under arrest. He has lost his confidence too in the previous episode.

After 2 months, Sean wakes up in a hospital from a coma in North California, & Daniel is lost. You will find a note left by Jacob in your journal, a contact from the farm, revealing that after the burst, Jacob escorted Daniel to his old house of Haven Point, Nevada. Sean manages to escape & starts his journey to Nevada.

Sean arrives at Nevada. Sean in search of Daniel enters Church which is led by the charismatic Reverend Mother Lisbeth, & he finds out that Daniel is called “Angel Daniel”, with his powers being preached as a divine gift by Lisbeth to her worshipers. Sean tries to rescue Daniel, but Lisbeth has controlled him & he does not want to go with Sean. Sean is forced to leave the Church but he finds out that his mother is waiting outside, who has come to Nevada because Jacob sent her a letter too. Sean does not like & trust her because she abandoned Sean & Daniel when they were very young.

Sean & his mother makes plan to retrieve Daniel from the church. Following day, Sean encounters Jacob, who wants to rescue his sick sister, Sarah-Lee, from the Lisbeth’s holds. Sean & Jacob enters Lisbeth’s house while Karen keeps watch. Jacob flees with Sarah-Lee, & Sean & Karen enters the church to rescue Daniel. Sean requests Daniel, & Daniel regains his senses. They manage to escape the church.

Life is Strange 2: Episode 5 Specifications:

  • Developer: Dontnod Entertainment
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Platforms: PC Windows, PS4, Xbox One, Linux & Mac
  • Release Date: 3 December 2019
  • Genre: Graphic adventure
  • Mode: Single-player


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Anonymous!
      You are right. The game story is progressing towards grief. Thanks for commenting.

  2. one of the best story-teller game.

    1. Hello Friend!
      Yeah no doubt. I like its immersive story.
      Thank you for your comment.

  3. Life is Strange 2 turns out to be one of the best games of 2019

    1. Hi Friend!
      Yeah no doubt.
      Thank you for your comment.

  4. heart touching story

  5. Gripping storytelling combined with gameplay full of choices. Life is Strange 2 is love

  6. I wish it had never ended

  7. I want another season

    1. Hello Friend!
      I want many more. Thank you for your comment 😏


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