An interview with Tomas Petrlik of Blue Crystal Studio:

Blue Crystal Studio is an independent video game developer company founded by Tomáš Petrlík. The studio is working on a new project “Shards of Gravity”.

Tomas Petrlik is doing a full time job and also works on his game daily in free time. Shards of Gravity looks promising & Tomáš is receiving great feedback from his fans.

Blue Crystal Studio is approached for an interview and the request is granted. The interview session is conducted with a worthy developer, designer & artist, Tomáš Petrlík.

Hello Tomáš and a warm welcome to Games Cover!

Tomas Petrlik

Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your company?

My name is Tomáš Petrlík and I am founder of Blue Crystal Studio. I am currently working as programmer in SICK and this studio-thing is my free-time activity mostly... with Shards of Gravity being one of my biggest projects yet.

Shards of Gravity looks beyond awesome! Can you briefly describe its story? What was your inspiration for the game?

The story behind it subtle and told slowly as in hollow knight, which is one of the main inspiration behind the game. The second influence, you could say, is Celeste, which I wanted to re-create the feeling of the platforming elements, action and everything that make something similar in my game, but with more open world map, RPG elements and constant progression, which are the main pillars of the game.

Shards of Gravity - Blue Crystal Studio

Which challenges you face while making Shards of Gravity?

There were many challenges on the technical side of the project. I had to re-think a lot of mechanics that are in hollow knight and celeste and make them work together.

You have been working on this game from 1 and a half years, while doing a full time job also. It would be stressful ofcourse, but how did you refrain from burning out?

The things that keep me motivated the most is my Girlfriend, Eva, who helped me with some of the sprites in the game and the community which supports me a lot. There is very rarely someone who dislike the game and they usually just don´t like some animation and such, so that´s a good thing.

What's the launch date of your game & on which platforms are you planning to release it?

Launch date is not yet set, but I would like to finish it this year. Also I would like to launch the game on Switch and PS4 if everything goes smoothly.

Shards of Gravity - Blue Crystal Studio

Corona Outbreak has affected business across the globe. How has it affected your company?

As a company that present itself mostly online, it actually helped me in growth of the studio instead of damaging it.

Anything on your mind that you would like to share with us about your work or your passion?

I would like to share a big gratitude to everyone who supports me and gives me feedback :) It helps a lot.

Thank you, Tomáš for taking time with us and giving us some insight into the development of your new game. Surely creating a game needs hard work & commitment, but it’s worth it in the end. I hope Shards of Gravity gets immense success on its launch & you create more amazing games.


  1. I am a big fan of platformer games and I like this one.

    1. Hi Jerry!
      Thank you for a remarkable comment. I love platform games too. Have a nice day!

  2. Good interview.

    1. Hi Mate!
      Thank you so much for dropping a sweet comment. Enjoy rest of your day!


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