Use PEMDAS to find solution of the following math expression:

Use PEMDAS to find solution of Math Expression
Suppose Blue is half filled blue glass, Yellow is half filled yellow glass, & Red is half filled red glass, then we can proceed as:

2Blue + Blue + 2Blue = 15

Now we add all Blue glasses to get,

5Blue = 15

Divide both side by 5, we get:

Blue = 3

Second equation:

2Yellow – Yellow + 2Blue = 10

Subtract Yellow from 2Yellow:

Yellow + 2Blue = 10

Use value of Blue from previous equation, Blue = 3:

Yellow + 2 x 3 = 10

Use multiplication:

Yellow + 6 = 10

Now move 6 towards RHS:

Yellow = 10 – 6

Subtract 6 from 10:

Yellow = 4

Third equation:

2Red + 2Red – Red = 6

First we need to add 2Red + 2Red

4Red – Red = 6

Now subtract Red from 4Red:

3 Red = 6

Divide both side by 3

Red = 2


We have values of Red, Blue & Yellow glass. We need to solve the final equation:

Blue + (Blue + Red) x Yellow

= 3 + (3 + 2) x 4
Insert values of all glasses,

First we need to solve bracket using PEMDAS.

PEMDAS stands for parenthesis, exponentiation, multiplication, division, addition & subtract. It tells us the order in which we need to solve operators in a given math expression. Parenthesis has the highest degree so it should be solved first.

We get,

= 3 + (5) x 4

Multiplication has higher degree than addition so we need to multiply first,

= 3 + 5 x 4
= 3 + 20

Finally, we need to add to get answer:

Answer = 23

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