Comparison of Bravely Default 2 vs Bravely Second vs Bravely Default:

Bravely Default 2 (II) is developed by Claytechworks & published by Square Enix for Nintendo Switch & releases on 26 February, 2021 & is the third video game in the Bravely series, following the original video game, Bravely Default & its successor video game Bravely Second. While Second video game was a direct story follow up from Default, Bravely Default 2 (II) has a totally new & unrelated story & characters. Just like the previous installment in the series, Bravely Default 2 (II) is a role-playing video game (RPG) with turn-based combat system. The game also includes some elements of the previous installment’s "Brave Point" system, & the use of gathering various "asterisks" in order to change character's classes.



The game plot takes place in a totally new land compared to previous two game installments, on a land called Excillant, that has five kingdoms. There are four main characters in Bravely Default 2 (II); character Seth who is a young sailor, character Gloria who is a refugee princess, character Elvis who is a travelling scholar, & character Adelle who is a mercenary.

Comparison of Bravely Default 2 vs Bravely Second vs Bravely Default
Image Credit: Nintendo


Bravely Default 2 (II) is a single player video game & uses Unreal Engine 4. In the game, you start a journey to find four Crystals. The game uses the Brave & Default battle system that was used in previous game installments of the series. The system involves risk & reward in turn-based combat. Characters can make multiple action moves in one turn, but after that they may be unable to make moves for a while. The main thing is a balance. As a player, you can choose from different jobs, & skill-abilities to customize each team party member to fit your strategy. As you learn more the more tactics you can use. Find & beat bosses who holds an Asterisk in order to take on even more jobs & take down Orpheus for the Bard job or fell Dag in order to become a Vanguard. The good thing about Bravely Default 2 (II) is that it has more detailed gameplay compared to Bravely Second VS Bravely Default video games.

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