Find Ashen review, story, gameplay, release date, trailers & walkthroughs.

We have added everything we know about Ashen including its review, story, gameplay, release date, trailers & walkthroughs.

Ashen Review:

Ashen is an original RPG in which you travel across a grim, sunless world, where erupting volcanoes are spitting out ash & it is the only source of light. The game offers a nonlinear story & an open world which responds to your actions.

Ashen Story:

Ashen is set in a sunless planet where erupting volcanoes are continually spitting out ash that can be used as the only source of light. You can control a young explorer, who travels this world to discover a place where he can settle. Ashen focuses on personal relations with people.

Ashen Gameplay:

Ashen allows you to choose whom you can trust & whom you can’t. Such choices have an impact on the gameplay, as people have unique skills, the use of such skills can prove very helpful later. As you progress through the gameplay, your little camp, transforms into a small village where you live with people. People relies on each other skills in order to endure. It is an action RPG & the world of this game is full of creatures, battle is the final resort, as each battle, even against a weak enemy can be dangerous. Before each fight, you need to prepare & during battle you need to use environmental elements.

This game is different from other similar games because of the use of unusual passive multiplayer mode. During your adventure, you will interact with people, which can be other players or characters controlled by artificial intelligence. Each character has their own personality & objectives.

Ashen is set in a sunless world & narrates the tale of a person finding a home. Ashen offers open world exploration, cooperation & competition with survivors, & fighting against creatures. Ashen is playable from 3rd person perspective.

Ashen offers battle & exploration in an open world. You can interact with other players, & the game offers traditional role playing game elements such as crafting. Ashen features ranged & melee combat.

Growth of character is largely dominated by equipment. You can improve character skills or offer them in-game perks.

Ashen Specifications:

  • Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
  • Developer: A44
  • Publisher: Annapurna Interactive
  • Release Date: 9 December 2019
  • Platforms: PC Windows, Xbox One, PS4 & Nintendo Switch


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