Similarities and differences of Oniken Unstoppable Edition vs Odallus The Dark:

Oniken Unstoppable Edition review is based on quality content. All I like about Oniken Unstoppable Edition gameplay is highlighted. Its story is presented & main characters are explained.

Oniken Unstoppable Edition is an action platform video game that is inspired by the games & movies of the 1980’s era. The game’s graphics, sound design & story also depicts 1980’s era. Oniken Unstoppable Edition is a bit difficult but do not worry about dying so many times in the game.

Oniken Unstoppable Edition Review
(Image Credit: JoyMasher)

Oniken Unstoppable Edition Story:

Mankind is on the brink of extinction due to the result of world war & now survivors have to face a sinister military organization called Oniken. The military organization takes advantage of the post war disorder in order to dominate & oppress the remaining human survivors & control the world with an iron fist. Fighting against the organization seems hopeless but still a small rebel movement fight against the military organization. Rebel movement gets their only hope when one day, a ninja mercenary named Zaku offers his support to the rebel movement. Zaku is a good fighter & his moves are dangerous.

Oniken Unstoppable Edition Plot:

Oniken Unstoppable Edition’s plot takes place after a world war that has almost completely destroyed human race. Mankind now has to deal with the corrupt military organization, the Oniken. In the game you play as Zaku, a well-known ninja mercenary who has offered his support to the rebels to fight against the military organization. Oniken story depicts a bleak vision of a post-war world & is so fabulous. The game also has some high quality hero characters. The game cut scenes present the story in a unique way during missions.

Oniken Unstoppable Edition Gameplay:

Differences of Oniken Unstoppable Edition vs Odallus The Dark
Differences of Oniken Unstoppable Edition vs Odallus The Dark
(Image Credit: JoyMasher)

You can play as Zaku who has equipped a sword & have to navigate through the opponent areas, eliminate adversaries & destroy machines. In the game you have to go through six missions. You will face adversaries as well as environmental dangers. On some instances you will get into a boat or vehicle that self-propels. In each & every mission there are 1 or 2 sub-bosses as well as an end stage boss fight, often a large machine that has to be destroyed. You have three lives & a health bar. When you run out of lives you will have to restart the mission.

Key Features of Oniken Unstoppable Edition:

  • Release Date: Available
  • Developer: JoyMasher
  • Publisher: JoyMasher
  • Platforms: PC Windows, PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch


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