Overwatch will use Role Queue which changes the way matchmaking works in this game:

A new Role Queue system fully alters the way matchmaking works in Overwatch. New Matchmaking system will be used in Overwatch which is also known as Role Queue & it will vastly change Overwatch gameplay.

It is a squad based hero shooter which allows you to choose from numerous different heroes & play styles that you can learn.

It allows you to make squad arrangements by choosing an uneven number of roles. Gamers would normally play with 2-2-2 format which means they would choose 2 damage characters, 2 tanks, & 2 supports characters. Later gamers discovered that uneven squad arrangements are much better than the standard number of compositions they normally choose. The developers tried to fix this issue with balance modifications which was not a very successful approach.

The latest Role Queue feature is designed to choose your favorite squad roles before starting a game & then choose a hero from the squad you have chosen. Role Queue allows you to choose a hero from within those roles. With Role Queue, you can choose damage, support, or tank classes first in Competitive & Quick Play modes. The matchmaking system will find 2 support, 2 tank & 2 damage users to use within the chosen class preference. After a match terminates, you can return to the main menu & choose your role again.


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