Arduino UNO: HX711 and Load Cell Punching Bag is a cool project for measuring how much you can damage an opponent using fists:

Arduino UNO: Load Cell Punching Bag
If you are bored at home & want to enjoy real fist fighting, then why not build a very cool project that allows you to test your fist power. Isn’t it a cool idea? If your answer is yes, then check out how you can build one for yourself below:

In Arduino UNO Punching Bag project, you can learn about the power you have in your punch & a load cell combined with HX711 can calculate it.

Do you know how much force you have in your punch? Why not try it yourself by punching a bag & a force gauge will calculate your punch power.


Equipment required for Arduino UNO: HX711 and Load Cell Punching Bag are mentioned below:
  • Arduino UNO
  • Load cell can act as weight sensor & measure the value between 0 to 50 kg
  • ADC for HX711 load cell
  • LCD used in this project is 16 x 2 matrix
  • Arduino IDE App is required to upload code & run the project
  • PC / Laptop is required for connecting Arduino UNO

Load Cell:

A load cell is used for calculating force of punch. When you apply a force on this sensor then it is converted into a weak signal which shows on its output wires. Load cell sensor acts as transducer which changes force into a signal which can be measured using Arduino.

Load cell can produce output in millivolts which requires an amplifier to change this signal into a level that user can change into a signal & run it. So we need HX711 amplifier with an ADC. This amplifier is used to increase the small value coming from load cell & sends this amplified output to Arduino UNO which can run a program for calculating force from the information it receives.

If you are satisfied till this point, then you can easily build this cool project which does not need expertise & anyone following a step by step tutorial can build it. Check out the complete project here: Arduino UNO: HX711 and Load Cell Punching Bag

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