Solve under root / exponential math problems:

Question 1) Can you tell me what is the value of n?

find value of n in math problem


A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

Answer: We can solve this question by using iteration. Starting from n = 1, we keep on increasing n by 1 & keep checking the answer. Hopefully we will be able to solve this question with few iterations.

When we use value of n = 1

We get,

Answer is not equal to 2

Hence it is incorrect

Now putting n = 2


(4)^0.5 = 2

Hence n = 2 gives the correct answer

L.H.S. = R.H.S. when n = 2

Correct Answer of root problem is B

Question 2) Find the exact value of x?

find value of x in math problem


Now I am going to put x = 2 & keep on increasing value of x by 1 until I am able to find the correct answer.

if I put x = 2,
It is not equal to 16

Now put x = 3 & solve,

Again answer is not equal to 16

Now put x = 4 & solve:
= 16
Hence when x = 4, L.H.S. = R.H.S. = 16

So answer of this exponential math puzzle is x = 4

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