Will Twelve 12 Minutes Provide Cross Platform Play, Cross Save, & Cross Gen Play?

You are at your flat & you want to spend sweet time with your wife. Your night is converted into a nightmare when cops enter your home, suspect your wife for murdering your dad in the past, & beat the hell out of you. Upon waking up, suddenly you are sent back to the time when the game begins.

Every time 12 minutes finishes or you die, the time loop resets & moves you back to the beginning of the evening. You can have an immersive experience using point & click controls. You need to make clever decisions in this game.


Multiplayer Mode Table:




Cross Play


Cross Gen Play


Cross Save


Cross Gen Save



Twelve (12) Minutes Cross Platform Play:

If I want to enjoy playing the game with someone who may be using a different platform than mine, then still we can play the game together.

Sadly, Cross Platform Play is not supported by Twelve Minutes.

Twelve 12 Minutes
Twelve 12 Minutes
Image Credit: Annapurna Interactive

Twelve (12) Minutes Cross Platform Save:

When I am sick of playing on the same platform then I want to switch to another platform, & Cross Platform Save allows me to continue the game progress on my selected platform.

Alas, Cross Platform Save is not included in Twelve Minutes.


Twelve (12) Minutes Cross Gen Play:

I can play the game with mates who might be using a different generation than mine if Cross Gen Play is supported.

However, Twelve Minutes does not offer Cross Gen Play.


Twelve (12) Minutes Cross Gen Save:

If I play the game on any generation & I want to switch to another generation, then my progress on the previous generation will be carried over to the current generation if Cross Gen Save is supported.

But Cross Gen Save is not included in Twelve Minutes.


Twelve (12) Minutes Release Date:

12 Minutes launches on 19 August, 2021 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S & PC. It will launch on Game Pass on the date of release.

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