On Air: Couch / Internet Co-op, Local / Online PVP Multiplayer:

Suppose that you are sleeping in a hotel, & when you open your eyes, you are in a totally different location, & beings surrounding you want to murder you. There are monsters lurking in the dark places. Also, you need to confront the strange instruments & attempt to survive.


Why do users like Couch Co-op?

Those users who want to play a multiplayer game together with support of their family / mates can use Couch Co-op.


Is Couch Co-op enabled in On Air?

Sorry, Couch Co-op is not enabled in On Air because it is a single player game.

Does On Air Provide Co-op Multiplayer?
Does On Air Provide Co-op Multiplayer?
Image Credit: RainStyle games

Why do users like Online Co-op?

Those users who need help can join Online Co-op with the support of their friends. Players across the globe can become your partners.


Is Online Co-op allowed in On Air?

Sadly, Online Co-op is not allowed in On Air because it only offers a solo campaign.


Why do users like Couch PVP Multiplayer?

Those users who want to fight human combatants can ask their family / mates to play in opposition with them using Couch PVP Multiplayer.


Is Couch PVP Multiplayer included in On Air?

Unfortunately, Couch PVP Multiplayer is not included in On Air because it just provides a solo story campaign.


Why do users like Online PVP Multiplayer?

Those users who want to fight human opponents can invite their friends or worldwide players to play against them.


Is Online PVP Multiplayer added to On Air?

Alas, Online PVP Multiplayer is not added to On Air because it just offers a solo story mode.


On Air Gameplay:

You will discover a strange instrument & using it, you are able to communicate with another human. He will notify you that strange incidents happening in the hotel are because of a conspiracy of powerful humans so you must escape the hotel. Now with the help of his friend, they must find a way to escape the hotel, & find out more about the secrets of this hotel.

You must discover certain objects that are required for the completion of the game. Another goal is to reveal the game narrative that will let you enter new levels. Some of the game items offer unique features. You need to solve the main narrative as well as complete extra missions, that will let you unwind parallel storylines.

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