Solve arithmetic math expression after finding unknown:

This is an arithmetic math expression with unknown variables. First we need to find the value of variables & solve.

Solve arithmetic math expression

Every object / item in this picture has a specific value. We need to use the value of known variables in equations to find the unknown variables.

Everything is very simple. First of all, we have 3 horses. We need to find value of a single horse, let’s proceed:

First equation:
Horse + Horse + Horse = 30
3 Horse = 30
Divide both side by 3
3/3 Horse = 30 / 3
Horse = 10

Second equation:
Horse + 2 x Stable + 2 x Stable = 18

Horse + 4 x Stable = 18

4 x Stable = 18 – Horse

Apply Horse value:

4 x Stable = 18 – 10
4 x Stable = 8
Stable = 2

Third equation:
2 x Stable – 2 x Shoe = 2
2 x Stable = 2 + 2 x Shoe
2 + 2 x Shoe = 2 x Stable
2 x Shoe = 2 x Stable – 2

Apply value of Stable:
2 x Shoe = 2 x 2 – 2
2 x Shoe = 4 – 2
2 x Shoe = 2
Shoe = 1

4th equation:

Shoe + Horse x Stable = ?

Apply values of Shoe, Horse & Stable:

= 1 + 10 x 2

This is an arithmetic expression, which can be solved by PEMDAS.

Let me explain PEMDAS first,

PEMDAS is an acronym of Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition & Subtraction. We need to follow the order of PEMDAS. First we need to solve parenthesis that has the highest priority. Then exponent must be solved that has lower priority than parenthesis. Multiplication & Division comes later & they have the same priority but needs to be solved from left to right. Like if an expression has both multiplication & division, then we need to solve the operator from left to right. Like if division comes in expression before multiplication then we need to solve division first. Lastly we have addition & subtraction, & they have same priority too. So we need to solve the operator from left to right.

Now we know about PEMDAS, let’s solve this expression:
= 1 + 10 x 2

We need to solve multiplication first as it has higher priority:

= 1 + 20
= 21 (Answer)

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