Differences between 2D vs 3D Mario games: Compare both Mario versions & conclude which one is better?

We have seen lots of Mario games released both on 2D & 3D platforms, but the game sold well on 2D platform. Even though Nintendo puts lots of effort into their 3D Mario platformers, but still people love that classic style of Mario in 2D & prefer to play them. Though both 2D & 3D Mario games are fun to play, but they are different in their own ways.

Differences between 2D vs 3D Mario Games
Differences between 2D vs 3D Mario Games
Image Credit: Nintendo

So what are the differences between 2D vs 3D Mario games? When we compare 2D & 3D Mario games in this article we can learn about ups & downs of both versions:

2D Mario: Lower complexity in control:

You get a feeling of sliding around on ice when you get to play Mario in 3D which seems frustrating. 2D Mario has fewer controls & it is better to control Mario using sleek controls of Joy-Con on Nintendo Switch as compared to its 3D counterpart. You don’t have to worry about too many complexities in control when you play Mario in 2D. In 2D Mario platformers, there are only 2 controls for controlling movement of Mario, i.e. left & right. It is easier because anyone can learn it & even kids & parents can play such games together. It is a good family game when you play it in local co-op with family members.

3D Mario: Detail Environments:

3D Mario is awesome when it comes to flashy & amazing environments. Mario is popular for its bright & dazzling colors. Nintendo does its best to animate cartoony visuals that looks a lot more fun.

You would not see higher detail colors or world in a 2D Mario platformer.

2D Mario: More Levels:

2D Mario Games offer more levels
2D Mario Games offer more levels
Image Credit: Nintendo

3D Mario Games are complex & it is difficult to add too many levels to it. 2D Mario offers many levels & it is relatively easy to add levels to it due to the simplicity of its nature.

It takes less time to develop a 2D Mario game because you don’t have to worry about new & complex elements to program in.

3D Mario: Camera Controls:

It is easy to plan out a jump in 3D Mario game because you can spin the camera & see more space. 2D Mario game does not offer this advantage as in majority of games you have to stop & hold in a button to see a bit ahead, which stops the gameplay when you plan for a jump.

2D Mario: Simpler Controls:

2D Mario Games are fan favorite due to its arcade style control. Many of the gamers have problem on a 3D platform but it is simpler for them to play & control 2D Mario game. 2D games have still a big market if developers do everything right.

Playing Mario, you need to worry about 3 basic controls: run, jump & throw fireballs. Also you need to solve puzzles & overcome obstacles that come in your way, & of course gather collectibles.

3D Mario: Exploration:

3D Mario Games offer exploration
3D Mario Games offer exploration
Image Credit: Nintendo

You can explore 3D environments & it offers different ways to play the game, play mini games & there are a number of upgrades available.

You can’t really explore more in a confined 2D space & there is a better feeling of exploration in a 3D game. 3D space offers more versatility & opportunities, & allow players to stick to the game for many hours before they can reach the final boss.

2D Mario: Simpler High Score Runs:

There are many elements in a 3D Mario that make it difficult & time consuming to collect all of the small points to get a higher score.

In Sonic the Hedgehog, you receive extra points for completing quickly in comparison to gathering collectibles & defeating all the baddies before completing the level. In 2D Mario, you don’t have to worry about time & it is simple to collect everything, before reaching the flag.

3D Mario: Simpler Multiplayer:

Multiplayer mode in 2D Mario game can be difficult because other gamers are confined to a certain screen & are not able to progress ahead without getting bubbled or bubbling other gamers.

In 3D Mario games there is more visibility in multiplayer mode because it lets other gamers to see clearly where they are heading & allow better flexibility through that.

Compare 2D vs 3D Mario Games
Compare 2D vs 3D Mario Games
Image Credit: Nintendo

2D Mario: Doesn't need a Story:

Mario games do not offer great stories, but in case of 3D games, story is a dominant feature for example in Mario Odyssey. The game needs to be different, large & stunning to sell well so the game must have a touching story as well.

2D Mario starts quickly & does not have to bother about stories. Gamers enjoy the platforming in 2D Mario games which include gathering collectibles & overcoming obstacles.

Comparison between 3D vs 2D Mario
Comparison between 3D vs 2D Mario
Image Credit: Nintendo

3D Mario: Detail Characters:

3D Mario has assisted in defining what players think of Mario. The environments have helped players shape the appearance of characters that players like. 3D visuals are way too better than 2D.

Based on the above comparison, we think that both 2D & 3D Mario have its ups & downs, but in our opinion 2D Mario has a bigger & better franchise. It is easier to develop 2D Mario games, no need to worry about its story & look too much, & still it sells better than 3D versions of Mario.

At the end of this article, “Differences between 2D vs 3D Mario games, Compare both Mario versions & conclude which one is better?”, we would like to know your opinion about which Mario game do you think is better & why you prefer it?

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